Laminitis: The Disease Horse Owners Need to Know About

A woman leading a horse in a sunsetYou may remember a horse named Barbaro from a few years back. In 2006 this previously undefeated Thoroughbred racehorse impressively swept the Kentucky Derby. With much chatter about a Triple Crown contender, the nation’s heart broke as we watched him shatter his leg two weeks later in the Preakness. Continue…

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posted in:  Pet Health  |  Pet Wellness

Creating A Pet-Safe Yard and Garden

A dog laying in a grassy fieldCreating A Pet-Safe Yard and Garden Mason county is a wonderful community and, in our collective hearts, we share a fondness for roadside markets boasting all manner locally grown goodies! This appreciation for planting food and flowers translates often translates into our own backyards. However, your pet can be inadvertently placed in harm’s way if certain safety precautions are not considered prior to planting. To best protect your four-legged friend this spring and summer, we have the following ideas for planting a pet-safe yard and garden. Continue…

posted in:  Pet Wellness

Preventing Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms

A cat scratching itselfAlthough parasites are small, their impact to your pet’s health can be mighty. And, just as we are about to welcome in spring and all of its wonderful blooms and outdoor recreation opportunities, here they come! Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and all of the other parasites that like to spring into full force at the arrival of warmer weather are on their way.

While parasite prevention isn’t the most exciting thing you have going on this season, preventing fleas, ticks, and other parasites is paramount to protecting the health of your pet, and, in some cases, your family. Continue…

Quality Veterinary Care vs. the All-in-One Low Cost Clinic

Handshake between dog and veterinarian handEveryone loves a good bargain, and it’s easy to get caught up in the illusion that a “larger clinic must be a better clinic”. But, when it comes to your pet’s health, the temptation to seek low cost veterinary care or “all-in-one” mega clinics can sometimes jeopardize your pet’s quality of care. Quality veterinary care often costs a little more, but the thoroughness and excellence in service, as well as the personal attention you and your pet will receive, is a testament to why low price or slick marketing isn’t a substitute for quality.

Selecting a veterinarian is more than just a quick decision based on price or convenience. The veterinarian you choose will be a partner in your pet’s quality of life and longevity – a trusted source of pet care expertise and exemplary veterinary care. You should feel confident in your veterinarian, as well as the veterinary technicians and staff who will also get to know you and your pet. Continue…

Pet Wellness: You Get What You Give

A cat sniffing a stethoscopeHistorically, pets visited the veterinarian only when they were sick. More and more, however, the focus of veterinary medicine has shifted from treatment of diseases to prevention.

We now know that many diseases and problems are preventable or best treated early on in their course. With ever improving changes and advances in veterinary medicine, this is becoming easier and easier to accomplish. It doesn’t take any fancy tests or diagnostic equipment, however, to provide good wellness care for your pets. It all starts with the exam. Continue…