Laser Therapy for Pets

A dog being given laser therapy

Laser Therapy for Pets

Not many people are aware of how common laser therapy is becoming for cats and dogs. Dr. Yetter and the staff here at Prairie Ridge Veterinary Clinic are using it more and more frequently with patients, both canine and feline. Laser therapy can be used on practically any condition or disease that causes pain and/or inflammation.


A Welcome Addition: Pet Laser Therapy

A dog being given laser treatmentWhile laser therapy for pets may sound like something straight out of science fiction; it is, in fact, becoming a common and effective treatment for companion animals across the country. Dr. Yetter and the Prairie Ridge Animal Clinic staff are excited to introduce therapeutic laser services to our patients. And, while you may not think you are as excited as we are; it’s probably because you don’t know what pet laser therapy is and why it is so incredible. Continue…